New Free(ish) Library System

For the past 5 years, Collected Transients has released a free sound effects library around December 25th. These libraries used to be only available for a limited time, and then pulled from the site. No way to grab the library again. If you missed out, you missed out! Fun for those who knew about it, but not so fun for those that missed out!

Recently, we’ve switched things up a bit in a way that benefits all parties. Yearly holiday gifts are still available for free to the public for a limited time, but instead of being totally pulled after that, they remain available for free(ish). There are two ways to get past free libraries:

  • Purchase any regular (not free-ish) Collected Transients library. Following purchase, you’ll be sent a unique coupon code to get all the free(ish) libraries at no additional cost!
  • Pay a small fee. After the free period, each free(ish) library is available to the public for a small fee.

We think this system is great for everyone. Want the library for free-free? Be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and/or subscribe to our Mailing List to know when new free content is released! Miss out on a free library? Now you’ve got options!

Considering purchasing a Collected Transients library? Check out all the Free(ish) libraries included with your purchase!

Happy Holidays, everybody!

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