Massive Movement is a collection of enormous sound effects from gigantic structures and machines. It features:
- Colossal groans, rumbles, and creaks from Chicago’s many liftable bridges
- Thundering bridge impacts and piercing screeches from high speed trains to grinding public transit
- Massive clattering gears that lift a bridge and a funicular’s large groaning machinery
- A couple extra “large sounding” props 😉
Massive Movement is built for the times when you need your design to sound truly massive. It’s hard to replicate the authentic roars of 4000 ton bridges as they raise to the sky and the booming impacts as they lower back to earth. These bridges were recorded over multiple years to achieve the highly difficult task of getting clean recordings of an event that only happens for two short windows of the year, in one of the most high traffic (people and vehicle) area of the city. The dozen’s of hours of bridge recording sessions pay off with some genuinely one-of-a-kind material ready to help you design your next giant project moment.
Also included are the unmistakably colossal sounds from many different kinds of trains. Powerful impacts from trains crossing bridge divides… Screaming wheels from CTA trains rounding corners and interchanges… Blisteringly fast whooshing and clatter from the USA’s only high speed rail line… and more!
We also gained special access to record a Chicago bridge’s “lift room” and Funicular’s machinery. Hear large century old gigantic gears grind to lift a bridge and massive spools and pulleys whine as they spin to pull a funicular up a cliffside.
Lastly some wonderfully massive sounding things that aren’t necessarily massive objects. You might say that’s cheating. We say it’s a bonus! Design with delightfully creaky metal cellar doors with an insane amount of ultrasonic content that sound gigantic when slowed down. Play around with a playground roundabout, recorded with contact mics to capture it’s unique rumbling resonance.
Massive Movement Walkthrough
Want a clear picture of what Massive Movement is about and what you can expect when you import into your sound effects database? Check out a walkthrough of the library with examples and a bit of backstory of the recordings!
And As Always…
Ultrasonic Content
Like every other sound design library from Collected Transients, Massive movement was recorded at 192kHz/24bit with microphones that capture ultrasonic sounds. “But I’m not a dog!” you say, “I only hear to a mere 20,000 Hz.”
Fret not, Sound Designer, the ultrasonic content in these collections is captured to allow you to massively pitch-shift and process the sounds while retaining fidelity and revealing elements you couldn’t perceive before. Don’t take our word for it. Listen to demos and learn more here!
Any Massive Movement recordings without meaningful ultrasonic content were resampled to a lower sample rate. Don’t worry, this collection of enormous sound effects sounds big with or without pitch shifting 😉
Thorough and Consistent UCS Metadata
Massive Movement offers thorough UCS compliant metadata that works across all popular audio database software. Each file is embedded with exhaustive information about the recording. Aside from the usual ‘description’, many other fields are available that provide useful tidbits like recording notes, microphone information, category, and sub-category. All sound effects also come embedded with an image showing exactly what was being recorded.